Blogchatter Food Fest 2024:Why coffee art is the least appealing part of coffee

Coffee reels are the best to watch when I am online. It really attracts you because it’s that wow feeling you get when you see flowers, names and leaves being made by just froth milk. Unfortunately, not taking away from the many many coffee artists when it comes to drinking coffee it’s the burning smell with a tinge of milk that makes the coffee drinkable. There is also the debate of sugar or no sugar and while many amongst us including my friends prefer sugar I myself have never got the appeal of white or brown or any kind of sweetener in my coffee.

The frothed milk is something that caught on to me in 2022 when I was living on my own and working on an all night shift. It was something new I wanted to try that year. But as time went by I realised how utterly useless it is for me as someone who drinks strong coffee with sugar.

The coffee art is also skill if not done right with the right amount of frothed milk will end up spoiling the taste of a strong latte. Employees at coffee cafe outlets would work so much more efficiently if they focused on the taste and the brew rather than how the coffee would look in a photograph.

It reminds me of the time Starbucks literally gave me just milk because their employee was not skilled to make the art in hot coffee and did not have the knowledge of ratio.

This is also in a way an appeal from my side to focus on the taste and ratio in a cafe rather than the art. I will go back to a cafe for the good coffee i drank. Definitely not for the coffee art to take a photograph of. 

Which is precisely why I see from the screens more of coffee art photos and less coffee drinkers. It’s pretty easy to distinguish between someone who knows their coffee and someone who is drinking to get a good photo. 

Don’t @ me but it’s just the truth. I hope cafes in India work on making better coffees and maybe skip the art.

This blog post is part of the BlogChatter Food Festival 2024

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